
Medusa’s Stony Stare

Rs. 199
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Medusa, once a bewitching beauty, has become a hideous monster with snakes for hair. When men look at her, they turn to stone. When King Polydectes sends Perseus for Medusa's head, he thinks Perseus will soon be another one of Medusas stone men. Or will he?


Medusa's Stony Stare comes from our rich collection of Greek mythology. Mythology is a part of everyone's heritage. In fact, the lessons drawn from myths are still relevant to this day. Modern society and culture derive a lot from our erstwhile traditions and customs. Mythology brings us closer to our human past. Thus, it should be passed down from generation to generation. Greek mythology is one of the most educational and interesting literary records. It teaches us life lessons, human behaviour, social customs, and how power influences society. In this installment, children can read about Medusa and her myth. Once known for her striking beauty, Medusa is now nothing but a jealous monster out to get people. Instead of a gorgeous mane, she has hair overflowing with snakes. Any man who comes near her meets with the same fate - they all turn into stone. King Polydectes decrees Perseus to go and stop this horrific incident from happening again. He demands Perseus to take her life. However, will Perseus return victorious or will he have the same fate as others? Read on to know more in Medusa's Stony Stare. Take a look at our other Greek Mythology books: The Battle of the Olympians and the Titans Odysseus and the Cyclops

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