The Top and the Ball’ by Hans Christian Andersen is about a red-and-yellow spinning top that falls in love with leather ball. The top wishes to marry the ball, but she is already engaged to a swallow. One day, the ball goes missing. The top longs for the ball, but will he ever find her?
‘Teddy has an Adventure’ is an extract from Adventures of a Teddy Bear by Mrs H C Cradock. Teddy sets off on a walk with a rucksack containing honey, biscuits and a few other things. What will happen while he’s out? Will the others miss him?
‘Playing with Fire’ is an extract from Memoirs of a London Doll by Richard Horne. Lady Flora foolishly plays in front of the fire, causing her dress to catch alight. Her doll is scorched and thrown out of the window. Will the doll find a new owner or be left in the road alone?
In ‘The Steadfast Tin Soldier’ by Hans Christian Andersen, the one-legged tin soldier is blown out of the window. He is found by two boys who put him in a paper boat, which is then whisked down stream. How does the tin soldier survive? And where does he end up?
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