Classic Treasury Fairy Tales contains famous fairy tales by renowned storytellers such as the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, with imaginative artwork on every page. Kids will learn traditional morals by entering a timeless world of daring deeds, where gallant heroes fight evil villains and good conquers evil. Chapters and stories inside Classic Treasury Fairy Tales:
Witches and Warlocks chapter includes The Wicked Witch of the West, adapted from The Wonderful Wizard Oz by L Frank Baum
Daring Deeds chapter includes The History of Jack the Giant-Killer, from Andrew Lang’s Blue Fairy Book
Monsters and Mischief chapter includes The Ogre of Rashomon, from Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki
Tricks and Mishaps chapter includes The Devil and his Grandmother by the Brothers Grimm
Bad Beasties chapter includes Beauty and the Beast, from Europa’s Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
An extract from The Devil and his Grandmother: But the dragon was no other than the Devil. He gave them a small whip and said, “Whip with it and crack it, and then as much gold will spring up round about as you can wish for. Then you can live like great lords, keep horses, and drive your carriages, but when the seven years have come to an end, you are my property.” Then he put in front of them a book that they were all three forced to sign.
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