This Read On series makes it fun and easy for kids to develop their reading skills! Each Read On story is suitable for a wide range of ages and abilities – read to me, read with me, or I can read. There are also notes to help parents guide and encourage their child’s reading and suggestions on how to extend the learning experience. Each book contains 2 bright and colourfully illustrated stories
Read On Read On – Jack’s Hair
Every day is a bad hair day for Jack. His hair wants to go one way; Jack wants it to go another.
He is tired of looking like a rooster, but then he meets cousin Jim. Suddenly, sticky-up hair becomes the perfect look for Jack.
Story 2: Tadpole Trouble: A handful of tadpoles might be fun, but what would you do if hundreds of tadpoles grew into frogs and took over your house?
Would you be hopping mad?
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