Room on the Broom brings the classic and popular tale of a kind witch and her cat originally written by a British author and playwright Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler, published in 2001 by Macmillan.
This famous storybook has been translated into over 20 languages and has won six prestigious literary awards including Blue Peter Book Award!
Once upon a time, a witch and her cat were flying on their broomstick over mountains, oceans, and forests, until a storm blows away the witch’s hat, bow, and wand. Fortunately, those are saved by a dog, a bird, and a frog, who eagerly want a ride on the witch’s broom. The kind witch takes them all on her broom but it won’t be long before the broom snaps and her friends fall into the hands of a hungry dragon below.
Julia Donaldson has written some of the world’s best-loved children’s books, including modern classics The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo’s Child, which together have sold over 25 million copies worldwide and have been translated into over 100 languages.
This funny and popular tale of friendships and quick wits has captivated the attention and love of children all around the world. It also has been made into an animated film that won an Academy Award in 2013.
Room on the Broom paperback edition features stunning visuals and adorable illustrations with simplified sentence structures and vocabulary which makes it an ideal storybook for young children to kindle their interest in reading. The rhyming and poetic sentences create a flow in the story that will keep the little ones going over them countless times and most importantly, this family favourite picture book will teach a very important life lesson about kindness and sharing in a fun way they will remember!
Check out other popular Julia Donaldson storybooks with beautifully redesigned covers like “The Gruffalo”, “The Gruffalo’s Child”, “The Snail and the Whale”, “The Smartest Giant in Town”, “Monkey Puzzle”, etc. for more fun and awesomeness!
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