Indian Folktales Retold : “Indian Folktales Retold” is a lovely collection of retellings of Indian Folktales by acclaimed and loved author Ruskin Bond. The book has a number of folktales which are retold in a humorous way by keeping the base more or less the same. One of the stories is about Hiranmantota, a parrot who used to serve a King before the he was betrayed. It even has a story about Yakka a half horse, half woman. It also has a story about the a queen who is in fact a Rakshasa. Throughout the stories you will encounter a lot of familiar characters and animals, like Lord Shiva, generous and wise Kings and even a talking white elephant, Airavata. The prose has the author’s trademark wit and is a wonderful read.
Indian Folktales Retold
Have you heard of Hiramantota, the king’s most trusted parrot who was betrayed by his master? Or of a Yakka, a creature with the face of a horse and the body of a woman? Do you know which prince married a monkey? Or about the queen who was actually a rakshasa? In this collection of short stories, India’s favourite storyteller retells India’s forgeotten folktales.
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